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Carpet Repair Colorado

Carpet repairs and Carpet stretching. Find out how to do carpet repairs, carpet repair reviews, trouble shoot carpet repairs and carpet stretching.

Carpet Stretching 101

What Causes Carpets to Wrinkle?

"Colorado Carpet Masters technician carpet stretching loose carpets."

Unfortunately, the problem often stems from poor-quality installation.  All carpets must be power stretched at installation. The carpet is meant to be installed tight like a drum, and this is only possible with the use of a power stretcher.

Some retailers advertise “knee kickers” as an appropriate tool for carpet installation. Every time I see one of those ads, I cringe. Knee kickers are meant only for small areas and will not effectively stretch a carpet in a room. More damage has been done to carpets because people assume it is OK for their carpets to be installed with a “knee kicker.

According to the Carpet & Rug Institute Carpet Installation Guidelines,  “Using a Mechanical Stretching Device (i.e. Power Stretcher) is Mandatory. Devices used as a substitute for such devices may cause injury, damage carpet or substrate, or result in inadequate stretch. Such devices are not acceptable.”

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